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Trademark Registration

It takes a great deal of hard work and resources to build a brand. Hence, It is important to make sure that you have exclusive ownership to use the logo, slogan, shape and packaging of goods, sound, smell, colour combinations or anything else that gives your brand a distinct identity. Trademark Act, 1999 allows you to register a trademark in India. It makes way for exclusive ownership rights and restricts all others from its usage and thereby benefitting the owner of the registered mark.

Application for logo registration can be done quickly and online. One can start using a “TM” symbol as soon as the application is made. However, TM registration process takes up to 15-18 months. It includes various processes for validating original ownership of the mark. Trademark registration in India is going through many innovative changes. Consider this – one can now avail trademark for Unconventional Marks through which even a distinct sound can now be registered as a trademark in India.

Trademark Registrations is done through Srifintax in Hyderabad. Offering a quality of trademark services like trademark filing, trademark search, trademark renewal, and patent registration, etc.

File trademark to protect your brand name / logo Starting At: Rs. 1,599 + Govt. Fees

Why Trademark Registration?

  • Excellent Business Opportunity
  • Legal Protection
  • Get Unique Identity
  • Exclusive rights
  • Protect the Commercial Goodwill

Documents Required

  • Proof of Applicant
  • Brand Name & Logo
  • Signed Form TM - 48
  • Proof of TM Use
  • MSME / Start-up Recognition
  • User Affidavit

Trademark Objection

A trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, colour combination, sound or even smell.

But due to some valid reasons, trademark offices can have objections on any trademark application which does not meet their legal norms. There can be many reasons for trademark objection. It can be due to the similarity between logo or word with any existing one. It may be due to the sentiments attached with any religion. These are few reasons which can lead to trademark objection. If you receive any objection like this from another party, then you need to respond back within a month, that is within 30 days. You will receive a proper legal objection letter from Trademark department. But if you still don’t take any steps, then the Registrar has the full rights to abandon the application.

Trademark objection is done through Srifintax in Hyderabad. Offering a quality of trademark services like trademark filing, trademark search, trademark renewal, and patent registration, etc.

Get trademark objection drafting Starting At: Rs. 4,999

Why Trademark Objection Reply is necessary?

  • To Prevent Abandonment
  • Establish your Mark's Distinctiveness


  • Consultation
  • Objection Drafting
  • Precedents Search
  • Objection Filing

Trademark Opposition

A trademark application filed by an applicant can be opposed by any person for various reasons during the trademark application stage . The person filing the opposition need not have any commercial or personal interest in the matter or be a prior registered trademark owner.

Trademark Opposition in India comes at a stage after the registrar has approved the trademark application on the distinctiveness factor and publishes the trademark in the journal for the third-party opposition. Anyone can oppose the published trademark within a period of 3 months which can be extended for a month more (3+1); beginning from the day it was first published.

If the mark is opposed, an opposition proceeding is initiated. After which, both the parties involved need to come to a conclusion and the decision is taken. The decision whether the mark can be registered or abandoned would be made. There is no restriction on filing an opposition. Anyone who believes that the published mark might create confusion among the public can file for the opposition while the onus of defending the trademark lies in the hands of trademark registrant.

File Trademark Opposition to secure your brands’ exclusivity Starting At: Rs. 11,599

Benefits of filing Trademark Opposition

  • Highly effective remedy for TM owner
  • Public consultation

Documents Required

  • Details of applicant
  • Power of Attorney
  • Affidavit
  • Details about the opposed mark

Trademark Renewal

A registered trademark in India expires after 10 years. But, it can be kept permanent by filing a trademark renewal application online or offline by paying necessary renewal fees every 10 years. This application has to be filed on or before 6 months from the date of expiration of the registration. Trademark Renewal in India can help you keep your trademark perpetual and permanent as there are no restrictions on how many times and for how many years you wish to keep your trademark status active and registered.

Usually, companies forget to renew their trademark. So, the Registrar informs them regarding the same 6 months before expiration. Still, if there is no action from your side, then Registrar issues a statement which says that your trademark would be removed from Trade Marks Journal. It is a very long process and takes at least 6-12 months after expiration. So before that, you can renew it by just paying the amount of fine to the department.

Trademark Renewal is done through Srifintax in Hyderabad. Offering a quality of trademark services like trademark filing, trademark search, trademark renewal, and patent registration, etc.

File your trademark renewal application to extend your Trademark rights for the next 10 years Starting At: Rs. 12,599

Benefits of Trademark Renewal

  • Protection from Frivolous Litigation
  • Extension of Ownership Rights
  • Brand Name Security
  • Monetary Returns

Documents Required

  • Proof of Applicant
  • TM Certificate
  • Power of Attorney
  • Copy of TM-A

Trademark Assignment

Trademark is an intellectual property and like any other asset, the owner of a trademark has the right to sell, license or transfer the owned intellectual property. Such a transfer can be made through Trademark Assignment Agreement or through Licensing.

When a trademark is assigned, there is a change in the ownership of the registered brand. But when it’s licensed, the rights in the trademark continue to vest with the original owner but only a few restricted rights are given to the third party. This assignment can be made with or without transferring the business goodwill. In case of a registered Trademark, such assignment is required to be recorded in the Register of trademarks.

Trademark Assignment is done through Srifintax in Hyderabad. Offering a quality of trademark services like trademark filing, trademark search, trademark renewal, and patent registration, etc.

Liquidate the hard-earned brand value, through Trademark Assignment Starting At: Rs. 11,599.

Benefits of Assignment of Trademark

  • Get your trademark's value
  • Assignment Agreement is Valid Proof
  • Pre-established brand name
  • Expansion of business

Documents Required

  • Proof of Applicant
  • TM Certificate
  • NOC

Our Procedure

Complete our Simple Form Online

You are required to fill your details in our simple questionnaire and submit documents.

Verification of Documents

For further procedures, details provided by you will be verified by our experts.

Submission of Documents

We will create all the required documents and file them with appropriate authority.

Your work is Completed

Once your proprietorship is incorporated, we will intimate you about the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many start-ups register a Trademark based on the founder’s name, whereas large businesses prefer to do so in the name of the company. This is because the future of a start-up is always in doubt. If owned by the founder, the trademark would be valid regardless of the state of the entity.

When the examiner raises some objections regarding the registrability of your trademark it is said to be objected. To overcome the objections, a written response needs to be filed with the Trade Mark Registry. If the Examiner is not convinced with the written response, a hearing is scheduled for allowing arguments to be put forth in person.

In India, anyone can file for the Trademark Opposition. Usually, it is initiated by a person who is the owner of an earlier trademark or a mark that deals with similar goods/services; or that has a possibility of creating confusion or harm an existing mark can file an opposition, even if its own mark is not registered.

An online trademark renewal application shall be made with the help of Registered Trademark Attorney in India with the payment of renewal fee and additional or late fee (as applicable). A trademark renewal request can be filed six months prior to the date of trademark expiry. Before the expiry of the trademark, the registrar sends a notice to the owner regarding the expiry and the renewal fees and conditions. In case of lapse, the trademark gets removed from the register. An extension period of six months post-expiration is given in case one misses the deadline along with an additional late fee.

The trademark assignment agreement in India referred to as the Trademark Assignment Document, is entered between the parties being Assignor and Assignee. Once the Trademark Agreement is duly executed, an online trademark assignment procedure is to be followed. This application is filed with the Registry in the prescribed form with the help of registered Trademark Attorney along with the payment of prescribed fee.

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